Which Indian Founder will Solve the COVID Information Problem

Hitanshu Gandhi    Updated

“Infantry wins battles, logistics wins wars.” John J. Pershing, Commander of the American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front, World War I NEEDED: A courageous succesful Indian platform business founder to assemble a Dream Team from their tech to setup a national crowd sourced Covid…
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#stopvaccinewastage How do we minimize wasted COVID19 vaccine doses

Hitanshu Gandhi    Updated

India administered 6.5 cr doses with 6.5% wastage (1% target) i.e 3.6 million doses avoidably wasted How can product / #distribution / hyperlocal / microeconomics thinking minimize #vaccinewastage? Newspaper articles mention usual government approaches – make patients wait, ask them to come the next day…
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Google Nest Cam can OWN the grocery universe

Hitanshu Gandhi    Updated

Summary Grocery reordering is a chore. A cloud connected smart camera from Google with a robust e-commerce backend from BigBasket, Amazon or Flipkart would be the perfect solution to OWN the non-produce grocery shopping market. You simply make sure you start your preparations in the…
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ZingBus Expresso and the OYOization of long distance bus travel

Hitanshu Gandhi    Updated

Two weeks, I discovered the OYOization of long distance bus travel! The realization hit me as I tailed two buses that were fast yet well behaved shiny new buses full of MBA jargon – startups are ensuring quality bus travel! That’s how i discovered zingbus…
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