I bought the Aspida Phaeton from Spartan Pro Gear’s HQ in Chennai in Dec 2014. Its a beautiful textile / leather glove. But terribly flawed in two aspects.
a. The area between the thumb and the index finger is fairly narrow. There is an additional layer of material for safety which is quite rigid. What that does does is restrict your movement – so something as simple as pressing the horn, requires moving your hand, causing unnecessary trouble on painful city rides.
b. The glove is NOT cold weather proof. Last Sunday on a ride from Alwar (~15C, but probably felt 10C lower due to wind chill), my hands were simply freezing. Instead on a Rs 250 cheap karol bagh gloves, my hands were much warmer even though their construction is more flimsy. Don’t ask me why.
Taken together, I’m not happy with the value for my Rs 2100. I would need to buy a second cold weather glove, defeating the whole purpose of a fancy all weather rideable glove.